In recent years, the Israel-Palestine issue has gained increasing global attention. The protracted conflict has caused immense human suffering in the region, with Palestinians bearing the brunt of its impact.
Amidst this conflict, the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement has gained popularity as a means to express solidarity with the Palestinian people and pressure companies and entities that support Israel. This article will delve into the BDS movement and why there are calls to boycott Amazon and Google for their support of Israel.

The BDS Movement and Its Significance
The Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC) is the largest coalition in Palestinian civil society leading the global BDS movement. BDS is a movement that calls on individuals, organizations, and institutions worldwide to take actions of boycott, divestment, and sanctions against Israel as a form of protest against the human rights violations committed by the state against Palestinians.
The Importance of the BDS Movement
The BDS movement aims to end state, corporate, and institutional support for the Israeli regime, which is deemed to be perpetrating genocide against the people of Gaza. The Palestinian people heavily rely on the BDS movement to end the complicity of major companies and states in their oppressive policies.

Targeted vs. Untargeted Boycott
Many individuals feel deeply affected, angered, and sometimes helpless in the face of the Israel-Palestine conflict. Many are compelled to boycott all products and services related to Israel. However, the question remains on how to make a boycott effective and genuinely impactful in holding companies accountable for their complicity in the suffering of Palestinians.
The BDS movement employs targeted boycott methods, inspired by the anti-apartheid movement in South Africa, the U.S. Civil Rights movement, India’s anti-colonial struggle, and similar movements around the world. In this context, the BDS movement focuses on a select number of companies and products chosen carefully, which play a clear and direct role in Israel’s wrongdoings and where there is a real potential for victory.
Companies actively supporting human rights violations by Israel, such as Siemens, PUMA, Carrefour, AXA, Hewlett Packard Inc (HP Inc), SodaStream, Ahava, and Israeli products in supermarkets, are all carefully selected boycott targets of the BDS movement.
Moreover, major technology companies like Amazon and Google have signed billion-dollar contracts with the Israeli government and military to provide cloud technology that supports Israeli apartheid practices. This has sparked the #NoTechForApartheid campaign to pressure these companies to end their involvement in the oppression of the Palestinian people.
The Importance of Focus
It’s crucial to understand that lengthy lists of boycotts frequently circulated on social media can be ineffective. These lists encompass hundreds of companies, many of which lack credible evidence of their connections to the Israeli regime. Therefore, focusing on companies genuinely supporting human rights violations in Palestine is vital for achieving significant results.
Additionally, any efforts made by the global community to support companies and institutions that support Israeli human rights abuses are legitimate and necessary. Therefore, boycotting companies that aid ongoing genocide in Gaza is a valid step.

The BDS movement serves as a means for the global community to express solidarity with the Palestinian people and pressure companies and entities complicit in their oppression by Israel.
Focusing on companies and products that genuinely support human rights violations in Palestine is key to achieving significant outcomes in support of the Palestinian struggle for independence. Thus, the call to boycott Amazon and Google products is a part of these efforts to demand positive change in the Israel-Palestine conflict.