
Is Levi Strauss Supportive of Israel? Explained

Levi Strauss Support Israel – In a resolute statement issued by Chip Bergh, the CEO and President of Levi Strauss & Co., the renowned denim brand solidifies its stance on combating rising anti-Semitism in the United States. Notably, the CEO’s unwavering commitment underscores Levi Strauss & Co.’s strong support for Israel, as conveyed in their comprehensive strategy to denounce and reject all forms of discrimination, particularly anti-Semitism.

This article delves into the profound insights shared by Bergh, highlighting the company’s dedicated efforts to use its influential platform in advocating for equality and actively contributing to the fight against bigotry, with a notable focus on supporting Israel in the face of escalating challenges.

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The CEO Statement 

Levi Strauss Support Israel
Levi Strauss Support Israel

Chip Bergh, CEO of Levi Strauss & Co., issued a statement on December 14, 2022, expressing deep concern about the escalating anti-Semitism in the United States. Firmly denouncing all forms of anti-Semitism, Bergh declared unwavering support for the Jewish community and those confronting hatred and discrimination nationwide.

Highlighting the troubling surge in anti-Semitic incidents, Bergh referenced data from the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), which reported a record number of such incidents in 2021, with a concerning trend continuing into 2022. The CEO expressed horror at the growth of anti-Semitism in media and social platforms, emphasizing the danger posed by both anonymous individuals and influential figures spreading hate.

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Bergh underscored the urgency of addressing this issue, emphasizing that normalization and acceptance of such behavior can only lead to more violence and suffering. He acknowledged the broader societal challenges, noting increases in discrimination against various communities, including Asian, Black, Latinx, LGBTQ+, and Muslim groups.

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Levi Strauss Statement

Asserting a commitment to combatting hatred, Levi Strauss & Co. pledged not to remain silent. In addition to leveraging their voice and platform to oppose anti-Semitism, the company announced a $100,000 grant to the Southern Poverty Law Center. This financial support aims to contribute to the fight against bigotry and the dismantling of anti-Semitism. Bergh concluded by reiterating the company’s dedication to advocating for genuine equality and opposing discrimination in all its manifestations.

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As we reflect on Chip Bergh’s powerful declaration, it becomes evident that Levi Strauss & Co. is not merely a fashion icon but a steadfast advocate for tolerance and equality. By taking a stand against anti-Semitism and demonstrating unwavering support for Israel, the company sets a commendable example for others to follow. Levi Strauss & Co.’s commitment to combating discrimination, fostering inclusivity, and contributing to the fight against bigotry serves as a beacon of hope in a world grappling with divisive forces.

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As we move forward, let us be inspired by the proactive measures undertaken by the brand, recognizing that collective efforts are essential in building a society that values diversity, embraces unity, and stands resilient against the forces of hatred.

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